" Today I choose life.
Every morning when I wake up
I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain..
To feel the freedom that comes
from being able to continue
to make mistakes and choices -
today I choose to feel life,
not deny my humanity
but embrace it."

Its a great sunny day this morning. Im Praising God for this new leaf of life.. Every morning I wake up I feel like its a new life, must do what i needed to do to make my life more meaningful and worthy. Thank you Lord for the air that we can still all breath for free. Truly its an amazing miracle each day, some may die but many will still live. So lets all be thankful that we still live today. God bless us all!

As for my agenda today will do packaging of my 2nd batch of perfume. It will be a very busy day for me again. I will be learning again. And ideas will be pouring for this coming Christmas season. I will take photos of my work later.. so please watch for it! Thank you... bye bye for now!

    By me...Ms.M

    " Sometimes we feel there so many things we had to do, but our physical attributes limits its work..yet our mind is faster than our motor skill...so there comes out our words left to speak that we don't have other option but to write it and go on the flow of our mind when we start thinking..it has the same purpose anyway! and that is to speak out what's on your mind! anyone agree?"


    December 2012
    November 2012


    My Movie